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My Grandmother Passes

Ever since launching my website in 1999 and then my blog in 2006, I have made my life more transparent than ever, usually in various Sunday postings.   Last Thursday and Friday I went to the gathering and funeral for my grandmother Esther Zimmer. Her obituary is...

Virginia rape law criminalizes forced prostitution, says Fairfax lawyer

Virginia rape law is not only geared towards people who physically and sexually force their bodies on others, but also to people forcing their victims into prostitution activity with others. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I strongly believe in leaving consenting adults alone for the...

In Praise of Lawyer and Psychodramatist Simina Vourlis

My close friend and teacher Trudy Morse — a great grandmother who learned many key life lessons before I ever was born — once wrote in thanks to those who supported her along the path of life. Local taijiquan teacher David Walls Kaufman, who very generously...

Come and listen to a story about a man named Jed

Do jurors want to be tortured for hours by droning lawyers, witnesses and judges, interspersed with waiting for bench conferences with silence that might be even more excruciating? Or, do they want to be transported into the middle of an interesting story, experiencing the action with...