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Maintaining calm in the eye of the storm

Some people seek calm by avoiding conflict. I seek to use calm to harmonize conflict to the advantage of me and my client. By applying the principles of t’ai chi to my law practice, I do my best neither to chase an opponent’s power nor...

Don’t Let Your Lawyer Let Go of Prosecutors’ Jugulars

Don't let your attorney let go of the prosecutor's / assistant commonwealth's attorney's proverbial jugulars. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I know of this truism as much as I know of the truism of needing to keep your friends close and your opponents closer. When...

Investing in My DUI Defense – Why Bother if I Passed?

Investing right in your Virginia DWI defense is not cheap in terms of funding, time, angst and sweat equity. As a Fairfax DUI lawyer, many times I hear DWI defendants incredulous that they got arrested in the first place, convinced that they passed the field...