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police state

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Stay Home Order in Virginia Allows Exceptions says Fairfax Criminal Lawyer

Stay at home was announced by Virginia's governor this week, but thankfully with numerous exceptions to not make people complete prisoners of their homes. As a Fairfax criminal defense lawyer and civil libertarian, I encourage commonwealth residents to read the relatively brief stay-at-home order (Executive...

Our Police State Must Be Dismantled, One Step at a Time

How do we reverse the Nation's oppressive police state of affairs? As I have blogged for over a decade, we start by shrinking the overgrown criminal justice system, starting with steps as simple as legalizing marijuana, prostitution, and gambling; heavily decriminalizing all other drugs; eliminating...

Police must at least be competent and should instead be highly qualified

The Tulsa sheriff's department's hiring of volunteer sheriff Robert Bates on the apparent cheap cost the life of Eric Harris, a tragedy for Mr. Harris's family, Bates's conviction and pending sentencing, and likely a huge dollar payoff from any lawsuit that Mr. Harris's family has...