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right to remain silent

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Virginia magistrates aren’t your friends says Fairfax criminal lawyer

Virginia magistrates (VM's) must be dealt with cautiously by criminal defendants. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, They are not your friends, as they have their own employment obligations. Deal with them prudently and respectfully, and they might give you good results. Deal with them disrespectfully,...

Mischaracterization of evidence by police- Put the brakes on that

Mischaracterization of evidence from Virginia police is so common as to be beyond exasperating to those who do not know that such evidence distortion may well be coming from around the corner. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I know to expect, address and remedy such...

Virginia police officers are not friends of criminal defendants

Virginia police officers are not friends of criminal defendants. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I say this out of pure reality, and not from any political agenda, but certainly out of an agenda of pursuing the best possible results for those accused of Virginia DUI...

Rejecting police talks & searches is vital says Fairfax criminal lawyer

Rejecting police inquiries by remaining silent under the Fifth Amendment, vocally objecting to police searches, and refusing field sobriety testing in DUI cases, can make the difference between arrest or not, conviction or not, and a more favorable or less favorable sentence. As a Fairfax criminal...

Virginia probation revocations are risked by new convictions

Virginia probation revocations -- as well as probation revocations in any other American jurisdiction -- are risked by new convictions for crimes committed during one's probation period. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I know the stiff probation revocation sentencing that can result from proof of...

Asserting Your Rights with Police, Including This Memorial Day Weekend

Like bear feasting on salmon swimming upstream, police often troll for arrestees in such easy picking areas as bar neighborhoods and at such times as Memorial Day weekend. If that were not so, why are Arlington County, Virginia, police out in force on Friday and...

On using the golden rule and silence with police

It is not always easy to be calm towards abusive police, but it is best for a suspect to complain later with the help of a qualified lawyer, rather than to address the matter more than necessary with the abusive police officer. As a Fairfax...