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The persuasive power of treating the battlefield as a playground

My teacher Ram Dass talks of everyone being connected to everyone and everything else, to the point that if we reached non-duality, we would perceive of everything and everyone as an indivisible whole. See page 173 (apparently from Ram Dass’s 1970’s lecture in Maryland). If that is true,...

Strengthen Your Fight With a Great Virginia Criminal Lawyer

Strengthen your prospects in criminal court by assuring that you and your Virginia criminal attorney are not only trial ready, but also that you both are less likely to be rattled by any unexpected or otherwise stressful matters, through improving your physical health, minds and...

Refocus when court goes awry says Fairfax criminal lawyer

Refocus if court developments do not go your way, instead of throwing in the towel, which you must never do as a criminal defendant. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I have repeatedly experienced excellent turnarounds from difficult moments with judges, prosecutors, police and lay prosecution...

Virginia DUI dealing must be backed by trial readiness

Virginia DUI dealing -- and all criminal defense negotiations -- must be fully backed by trial readiness. My Fairfax criminal defense lawyer experience and approach is always to take this path, for a multitude of reasons. First, a Virginia defendant must make his or her choice...