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Our Police State Must Be Dismantled, One Step at a Time

How do we reverse the Nation's oppressive police state of affairs? As I have blogged for over a decade, we start by shrinking the overgrown criminal justice system, starting with steps as simple as legalizing marijuana, prostitution, and gambling; heavily decriminalizing all other drugs; eliminating...

Virginia DUI lawyers can turn police words to winning use

Virginia DUI lawyers have much beneficial material to mine from police testimony, their incident reports, and incident video. This includes challenging roadside field sobriety testing performed by law enforcement on those suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs in violation of Virginia...

Virginia Drug Prosecutions Can Include Snitches & Undercover Police

Virginia drug prosecutions are big business for police, prosecutors and state drug lab workers in the commonwealth. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I have successfully defended hundreds of defendants in the nation's decades-long failure of a drug war that threatens alleged drug traffickers and manufacturers...

Source code as your accuser- Fairfax DUI lawyer explains

Source code (SC) and all breathalyzer technology needs to be made available to the defense in Virginia and all DWI prosecutions. As a Fairfax DUI lawyer, I tell you that this is not the situation, which makes it all the more critical for you to...

Virginia Drug Defense Lawyer

Virginia drug attorney (VDA) experience and knowledge is critical to your controlled substance defense. As a Virginia drug lawyer, I know that illegal drugs are big business, and that daily people in the Virginia get arrested and prosecuted for alleged crimes ranging from using, selling,...

Inviting the judge & jury to your criminal lawyer’s persuasive ideas

Inviting judge, jurors and prosecutors to truly hear, internalize, and accept your criminal defense attorney's arguments is a sensible path, whereas getting all hot and bothered over judges who seem to have made up their minds before even starting court, jurors who seem not to...