
Search Term: persuasive power of storytelling

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Finding the magic to great speaking and writing

So many people are afraid of public speaking, seeing the audience as a potential source of judgment, criticism, ridicule and shaming, rather than as connected to the speaker or as akin to the speaker’s closest friends. Many people write in stilted fashion, reaching constantly for...

Let the courthouse walls disappear and the unblocked testimony begin

Repeatedly in my initial discussions with them, clients and witnesses recount the events leading to my client’s arrest not only with descriptive words but with conclusions, opinions, and the occasional (usually with younger witnesses, which seems to be a generational way of speaking) "so I was...

Facing and reversing others’ trespasses

Recently — I think in one of Ram Dass’s two recent books — I was re-reminded how important it is not to take others’ seeming trespasses personally. For instance, if person A is yelling at person B, that may be more of a manifestation of...

Come and listen to a story about a man named Jed

Do jurors want to be tortured for hours by droning lawyers, witnesses and judges, interspersed with waiting for bench conferences with silence that might be even more excruciating? Or, do they want to be transported into the middle of an interesting story, experiencing the action with...