Kindness in judges and all others is powerful, not weak
Kindness in judges and all others is powerful, not weak
Defending results for his Kindness in judges and all others is powerful, not weak. Those who do the opposite are either fearful of their weaknesses or else ill-taught. Praised be the judge who not long ago pondered why many in the audience stood upon his entrance by proclaiming words along the lines of: “I don’t know why you are standing for me. You pay my salary.”
Then, last week in the same courthouse, I witnessed a judge during her sentencing/probation violation hearing docket give a probationer there for a status hearing a small holiday gift for the defendant’s cat. What a kind and human touch.
Not all judges act so kindly in court, even when not provoked at all to act unkindly, apparently thinking that they must assert control of the courtroom by fear and brute power. I wish they spent some time in the above two judges’ courtrooms. Respect is a two-way street with judges and everyone else.