Virginia Child Pornography Lawyer / Fairfax Pedophilia Defense Attorney
Virginia criminal lawyer / Fairfax DWI attorney, defending since 1991
Virginia Sex Crimes Lawyer
Pursuing your best defense since 1991 for felony & misdemeanor cases, solicitation, prostitution, assault, drugs, marijuana
Child pornography prosecutions call for a full-court press defense, says Fairfax criminal lawyer
Virginia child pornography ("CP") defense lawyer Jon Katz knows that the frequent motivation for full grown adults to seek sexual images of minors and sexual activity with minors, is abuse experienced themselves as children of the sexual, physical or psychological kind, sometimes stunting their mentality to that of a child, while a sexual being identifying with children. Of course the question arises why the defendant did not simply refrain from acting on such impulses, which is easier said than done for many people in such a position. Such crime involving prepubescent minors is all the more vilified in society than such activity with post-pubescent minors, and some jurisdictions have ages of consent below eighteen where at the same time child pornography crimes would be violated to photograph or film such otherwise lawful activity.
Do jurors have sympathy for child pornography defendants and adults who seek sexual activity with minors?
Jurors might have sympathy for a drug addict selling cocaine to feed his or her addiction, or a thief struggling to make ends meet for his or her family, but generally view alleged sex offenders as predators on among the weakest people in society who must be firmly punished.
Humanizing defendants charged with child pornography and seeking sexual activity with children
As with all criminal defendants, Jon knows the necessity of humanizing his clients charged with sex crimes involving minors, and to empathize with them himself. Jon has seen the revolting images while defending against child pornography charges, and has listened to and read his clients’ alleged words in allegedly attempting sexual liaisons with minors. Accusations of child pornography possession often can be defended by challenging whether the images are of actual minors, and challenging whether the defendant was the one responsible for the images finding their way on his or her computer, versus computer access by others onsite or through vicious computer viruses, and mischievous actions by webpage owners to display child pornography thumbnail photos on websites purporting to be legitimate sexual or non-sexual sites on their Google description.
The fantasy defense against charges of soliciting sexual activity with minors
Accusations of soliciting minors for sex can be defended through such approaches of underlining the reasonable doubt about whether the whole matter was about fantasy or chatter that is offensive but does not rise to the level of proving efforts to engage in sexual activity with a minor.
The scarlet letter of the sex offender registry
Of course, a slew of convictions for sex crimes involving minors and others then brings the obligation to register as a sex offender under the threat of prosecution for not doing so. Registering as a sex offender is a scarlet letter and in some jurisdictions can ban the registered person from living in huge swaths of locations.
Fairfax Virginia, criminal lawyer Jonathan L. Katz pursues your best defense against felony, misdemeanor and DUI prosecutions. Call 703-383-1100 for a free in-person consultation with Jon Katz about your court-pending criminal or DWI case.