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Virginia Theft Lawyer – Fairfax Financial Crime Attorney

Virginia criminal lawyer / DUI attorney for Fairfax County, Arlington, Prince William, Loudoun & Beyond

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Virginia theft lawyer on defending against relentless enforcement efforts by police, prosecutors & corporations

Virginia theft lawyer Jon Katz has been defending hundreds of people charged with larceny since 1991. Criminal court dockets regularly include theft and theft-related charges. Walk into any Target store, for instance, and behold the wall-to-wall surveillance cameras. Corporate America is clamping down on larceny and working closely with law enforcement in the process. Hear our Beat The Prosecution podcast on theft defense.

Theft Lawyer - Fairfax Financial Crime Attorney - Virginia larceny lawyer- Drawing of hand taking away coin
Theft Lawyer - Fairfax Financial Crime Attorney - Virginia larceny lawyer

Fairfax theft lawyer urges fully defending against larceny accusations

Fairfax criminal lawyer Jon Katz knows that a larceny conviction or larceny-related conviction -- for instance under Virginia Code § 18.2-95 -- can be devastating to a slew of career and academic prospects, a threat to immigration status, and a blight on one’s reputation.

The Virginia felony theft threshold is $1000 value

In Virginia, theft involving value of $1000 or more makes the case a felony prosecution. When the prosecution is for misdemeanor larceny, do not automatically expect to avoid a theft conviction on the hopes of entering a diversion program, which depends on the jurisdiction, your personal and criminal history background, and the specific circumstances of the case. Also, diversion is not always the prize one might at first expect.

Virginia criminal lawyer warns about getting charged with embezzlement and credit card and check offenses.

Beware using others’ credit cards and checks, even if they purport to authorize you to use them.

Beware how harshly employees get treated for employee larceny and embezzlement.

Fairfax criminal lawyer pursues all avenues of defense in theft cases

Fortunately, numerous defenses exist in many larceny cases, even for people whose hands are not clean. For instance, merely being in possession of allegedly stolen goods does not automatically meant that the goods were stolen or that the possessor knows that they were stolen.

Beware opening your mouth when an actual or potential criminal suspect

Too many theft and other criminal defendants react like deer caught in the headlights once accused, and spill the beans. Although no Constitutional rights apply when dealing with retail loss prevention officers, it remains critical to remember your right to remain silent and to refuse searches whether accused by store security or police.

Virginia criminal lawyer underlines the importance of obtaining video evidence in theft cases

If video evidence might be beneficial to you in a larceny case or any other case, it can be critical to get such evidence subpoenaed right away to avoid it being taped over, destroyed, or otherwise compromised. Even when the video evidence may not be favorable, it is better that you lawyer have the evidence to review if law enforcement and prosecutors are going to review and possibly use such evidence.

Fairfax criminal lawyer Jonathan L. Katz pursues your best defense against theft, larceny, check fraud, embezzlement, and online theft prosecutions. Call 703-383-1100 for a free in-person meeting with Jon Katz about your court-pending prosecution.