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Acing the prosecution- Fairfax criminal lawyer weighs in

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Acing the prosecution- Fairfax criminal lawyer weighs in- Image of playing cards

Acing the prosecution is an ongoing focus of Fairfax criminal lawyer

Acing the prosecution is needed perpetually for lawyers providing Virginia criminal defense. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, obtaining victory for my clients is my constant, not making new friends with prosecutors, police, judges and others (while I do enjoy friendship and camaraderie with many of my fellow Virginia criminal defense attorneys.) As I have said before, there are no secrets to winning for criminal defendants, but instead a roadmap to developing the skills and abilities that a lawyer needs to obtain justice for his or her criminal defense clients. In this day and age of marketing companies left and right seeking new lawyers as customers, it is essential to underline that no marketing nor shortcut strategy achieves great criminal defense. Winning in Virginia criminal court requires blood, sweat, tears, constant preparation and re-evaluation, persuasion by storytelling, and keeping a positive attitude about winning even the most challenging cases.

Acing the prosecution can be achieved without shouting matches and scowls

The best athletes achieve the acing over their opponents not through shouting at them, scowling at them, nor cursing at them, but by not accepting anything less than the best of themselves in pursuing victory. The same goes for a great Virginia criminal defense lawyer, particularly when the defense lawyer incorporates the Getting to Yes approach of negotiating conflicts, by identifying the parties’ goals and finding ways for the parties to overlap their goals as much as possible.

The road to winning should be fun, and the fun fuels victory

Whistle while you work is a good watchword, on the road to acing your criminal defense case. When a Virginia criminal defense lawyer enjoys his or her legal work, s/he will do a better job, be more persuasive, and inspire his or her criminal defense clients. Reasonable limits certainly apply to such fun engagement. A stark example of this line drawing is from the Chicago Seven trial, where the defendants on one of the days of the trial brought in a birthday cake for one of the compatriots. (That the defendants successfully got a caked into a federal courthouse begs the question of the insufficient security in that building. Of course, for acing the prosecution, fun must supplement but not replace hard work.)

Does my potential Fairfax criminal lawyer fully engage with me and the key players in the courthouse?

A big part of acing the prosecution is for the Virginia criminal defense lawyer to fully engage with his or her clients and work, and with those that are the subject of the defense lawyer’s persuasion efforts. To merely go to courtroom battle with a criminal defense lawyer’s head and mind will not suffice. A winning Virginia criminal defense lawyer will throw his or her full self into pursuing the best defense for criminal defendants.

Fairfax criminal lawyer Jonathan Katz never stops learning and retooling for pursuing your best possible defense in Virginia criminal court. Call 703-383-1100 for y0ur free in person initial confidential consultation with Jon Katz about your court pending case.