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Criminal Defense

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A possibly misidentified man is serving a 9-year Virginia robbery sentence

Criminal defendants fingered primarily or exclusively on eyewitness testimony should fight tooth and nail to get the most beneficial jury instructions, should preserve any cross-racial identification issues for argument and appeal, and should consider whether an eyewitness identification expert should be hired.

Persuasion through being open, without revealing secrets nor all weak spots

At the Trial Lawyers College, I learned that its founder Gerry Spence is at once an incredibly powerful persuader, very in touch with his strengths and weaknesses, and ready to reveal his vulnerabilities. This started out as simply with Gerry's voicing his disappointment that "Nobody...

“You always smile when you object,” the prosecutor told me

A prosecutor recently pointed out "You always smile when you object" when we try cases together. I replied that I smile while firing my proverbial bullets, and mentioned the great World War II movie scene where the American soldier calmly smiles in the moment, while...