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Informing you is essential says Fairfax criminal lawyer

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Informing you is essential says Fairfax criminal lawyer- Image of paperwork

Informing you is very important for your Virginia criminal attorney fully to do, says Fairfax criminal lawyer

Informing you is a vital part of your Virginia criminal attorney’s services. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I was reminded of this truism when I was recently handling very challenging steepness, backswitches, and no guardrail (at parts) near a sheer drop off the roadway, with signicant traffic while driving  the many miles towards a Rocky Mountain mountaintop. Here, the only words of wisdom the park ranger mentioned to me was to downshift when returning to our starting point. He had no obligation to tell me anything about any challenges to expect that day. As a Virginia criminal defense lawyer, I do owe my clients a full relevant overview of what they should expect in court, both for them to feel more grounded, and also for both of us to perform better in court as a team.

Informing Virginia criminal defendants what to expect in court enables them to focus their attention on the most important matters at hand, rather than to be distracted by an onslaught of new information that their lawyer could have informed them in advance

Had this park ranger informed me in advance of the challenges ahead, this would not have dissuaded me from this great time on the mountain, including its great views. At the same time, had he so informed me, I may have taken at least one rest stop going upwards, in order to make this challenging ride more of an insignificant task. Interestingly, on my way back down this mountain, the entire ride did indeed seem uneventful, perhaps because I now knew the lay of the land. On the criminal defense front, informing clients can be accomplished by their Virginia criminal defense lawyer both by words and also by showing the criminal defendant the courthouse and the courtrooms where they might be having their cases persuaded by the defense, and decided by the judge.

Make sure your Virginia criminal lawyer makes time for you

You hired your Virginia criminal defense or DUI lawyer to fully defend you. Part of that full defense is for your lawyer to make time for you, which includes being available to you well before your court date, right until your case finishes in court. If your lawyer starts making many promises about the likely results of your case, the problem is that your lawyer does not have tea leaves. For you to be able to make informed decisions about how your case should proceed, your lawyer needs to be sufficiently informing you of developments in your case and the possibilities and pitfalls involved.

You have critical information and insights to provide your Virginia criminal defense lawyer

Not only is your Virginia criminal defense lawyer vital  to be fully informing you about your case, but you also have insight into your case that your lawyer may not, based on your own unique vantage point and experience with the matter. Make sure your lawyer listens and responds to your ideas.

Fairfax criminal lawyer Jonathan Katz relentlessly pursues as much victory as possible for those being prosecuted for violating the Virginia DUI< misdemeanor and felony laws. Call 703-383-1100 for your free initial in-person consultation with Jon Katz about your court-pending case.