Skipping Field Testing Before Searching For Contraband
Fairfax criminal lawyer on startling affirmance of car search after skipping field testing of suspected cocaine. Skipping field testing of suspected unlawful drugs does not automatically preclude a vehicle drug search in Virginia, as learned on in the Virginia Supreme Court's recent case of...
You risk much to speak with police and to consent to searches
The Fourth of July brings remembrance of war and independence and more; festivities; and police trolling to make arrests for DWI and other alleged crimes, like bear feasting on salmon swimming upstream. You risk much to speak with police and to consent to searches.
Asserting Your Rights with Police, Including This Memorial Day Weekend
Like bear feasting on salmon swimming upstream, police often troll for arrestees in such easy picking areas as bar neighborhoods and at such times as Memorial Day weekend. If that were not so, why are Arlington County, Virginia, police out in force on Friday and...
Virginia criminal defense- Cases for challenging searches after a traffic stop
When I started doing criminal defense in 1991, I was reminded that drug cases often are won or lost by whether the drugs get suppressed. Seeking suppression of physical evidence is important in any criminal case alleging possession of contraband, and beyond, which is why...
When police obtain suspects’ cell numbers or cellphones, call a lawyer
When police obtain your cellphone number or cellphone in your role as an arrestee or suspect, call a lawyer.
Police suspects risk harmful misinterpretations of their non-verbal actions
George Lee Hawkins was stopped for a moving violation. Once stopped, the police saw a bulge in his shirt, and asked him if he could raise his “‘shirt up a little bit so [the police officer could] see how it sits.’” Hawkins then “extended his arms completely out to his sides...