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Virginia Pretrial Release

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Fairfax probation condition of no Internet- Virginia lawyer weighs in

Fairfax probation conditions -- as with the rest of Virginia - - may not ban internet access other than what is allowed by one's probation agent. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I understand sentencing judges' temptation to rely no the seeming expertise and regular contact...

Pretrial detention presumptions nixed by Virginia legislation

Pretrial detention presumptions are reversed by Virginia legislation awaiting the governor’s signature Pretrial detention (PD) presumptions are a reality for presumed-innocent people prosecuted in Virginia for alleged designated repeat drug felony charges, robbery, other violent crimes, and other felonies. This is an even more serious...

Fairfax Judge on Constitutionality of Bail – VA Criminal Lawyer Comments

Fairfax Circuit Court Judge David Bernhard early on in his judgeship made clear his inclination against imposing cash bail. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer and civil libertarian, I read with interest how Judge Bernhard this month went one step further with a letter opinion (which...

Coping tips from Fairfax criminal lawyer on arrests during coronavirus

Coping in normal times with police investigations, arrests and prosecutions is always enough of a challenge for criminal defendants, their families and loved ones. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I knot that the arrest challenge is increased all the more with the current pandemic, where...