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Criminal Defense

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A Criminal Defense Lawyer Needs to Help the Jury Avoid Buyer’s Remorse

The right criminal defense lawyer truly can make the difference between a favorable and unfavorable trial outcome, not only through case preparation, but by fully internalizing and well-executing the importance of the lawyer's role in swaying the jury in the right direction.

Beware having criminal defense clients testify

A testifying criminal defendant is on the witness stand only to answer the posed questions and tell the truth. Certainly, the criminal defense lawyer is obligated fully to prepare his or her client to testify

Obtaining victory by vibrating away the dung

If we let it happen, we are constantly bombarded with gunk, garbage and negative energy. With me, it can start with something as small as facing a choice between cursing or blessing the driver in front of me who sticks his stinky burning cigarette outside...