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Criminal Defense

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Criminal defendants’ Fifth Amendment rights after pleading guilty

Merely because other criminal defense lawyers represent the accused, does not mean they always have the best interests in mind for other criminal defendants. For instance, when co-defendants are charged with serious felony counts, the situation often looks like every man for himself as defendants...

DWI defense- Get the incident video

For DWI cases, I want the incident video if it exists. For all other criminal cases, I want the incident video unless I should first explore further with my client whether seeking the video will be the only reason that the prosecutor will himself or...

Public Intoxication Law and Defense

Public intoxication arrests run rampant in Virginia. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I remember first witnessing a public intoxication (also known as drunk in public / DIP ) investigation and arrest when two courthouse sheriff's deputies called out for the suspect to "blow, blow, blow"...

The Magic Of Removing One’s Ego From The Battle

Our greatest opponent and obstacle to victory often is our egos and ourselves. When we remove our egos from the battle, then the magic of powerfully successful performance can begin.

The art and benefit for a criminal defense lawyer to listen and engage

Essential is always for me to welcome and invest the time in actively listening and engaging with my clients. Pearls of getting closer to victory often result when least expected through my spending sufficient time with my clients in my office, on the phone, in...