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Fairfax DUI defending must fully consider your judge and jury

Fairfax DUI defending needs to fully consider your judge at the moment and possible jury members. As a Fairfax DWI lawyer, I know that "Know your judge" is an essential watchword for you and your Virginia driving under the influence defense attorney, defending against prosecutions...

Source code as your accuser- Fairfax DUI lawyer explains

Source code (SC) and all breathalyzer technology needs to be made available to the defense in Virginia and all DWI prosecutions. As a Fairfax DUI lawyer, I tell you that this is not the situation, which makes it all the more critical for you to...

Fairfax 18.2-266 defense- Win your Virginia DUI case

Fairfax 18.2-266 prosecutions are among the most common misdemeanor prosecutions in this county's courthouse. That Virginia DWI code section criminalizes driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs. As a Fairfax DUI lawyer, I make sure to keep on top of the law, science, strategy...

Pleading Guilty Is Overrated, Says Fairfax Criminal Lawyer

Pleading guilty is overrated by too many Virginia criminal defendants and even by at least some criminal defense lawyers. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I have heard my share of colleagues express surprise that my client was not accepting the prosecutor's last plea offer (and...

Blood DWI Challenges – Fairfax DUI Lawyer Addresses Them

Blood DWI challenges are essential for your lawyer to be able to make timely and effectively when you are a Virginia DUI defendant, and your blood has been drawn and analyzed after driving for determining your blood alcohol concentration (BAC). As a Fairfax DUI lawyer...

Reversing Virginia DWI Prosecutions – Fairfax DUI Lawyer’s Tips

Reversing your Virginia DUI prosecution may at first blush seem insurmountable. As a Fairfax DUI lawyer, I know that even the harshest evidence against you can be more manageable than you realize. This does not involve incantations, but instead involves obtaining a lawyer with a...

Virginia DWI testing- Fairfax DUI lawyer demands accuracy

Virginia DWI testing for BAC content needs transparency and accuracy. Instead, as a Fairfax DUI lawyer, I know that the breath testing approach to BAC testing is severely flawed by the inherent inaccuracy that comes with breath testing rather than blood testing, by giving the...

Virginia DWI science- Fairfax DUI lawyer advocates

Virginia DWI science is essential for your attorney to understand and to use to your best advantage. As a Fairfax DUI lawyer, I am fortunate to continue to be learning both through such approaches as having worked with forensic scientists in over two hundred DWI...