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Fairfax assault defense

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Fight Virginia protective order hearings tooth and nail

Fight any Virginia protective order / no contact / stay away petition notice you receive. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I know that even when protective order proceedings are technically civil without a prosecutor, that the violation of an issued protective order -- whether filed...

Aggravated assault addressed by Fairfax criminal lawyer

Aggravated assault (AA) is worse of a Virginia conviction than simple misdemeanor assault. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I have defended hundreds of people prosecuted for assault crimes. When I first meet with a potential assault client, I usually preface their telling me what happened...

Trial success begins with pursuing the extraordinary, says Fairfax lawyer

Trial success is about pursuing the extraordinarily persuasive story, says Fairfax criminal lawyer Trial success in Virginia criminal court comes from trial experience and ability, killer instincts, passion for the criminal defendant’s cause, and in-the-moment cunning. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I know that preparing...