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Fairfax relentless criminal defense lawyer remains needed

Fairfax relentless criminal defense needs to be your watchword when you are prosecuted in this and all other parts of Virginia. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I know that, in general, negotiating Fairfax criminal cases is often more favorable with the current prosecutorial administration than...

Virginia courts are not fully fair says Fairfax criminal lawyer

Virginia courts are not fully fair, if for no other reason than that the Supreme Court has for years not put enough teeth into such criminal defendant-oriented Constitutional amendments as the Fifth Amendment right to remain silent, the Sixth Amendment right to challenge adverse out...

Informing you is essential says Fairfax criminal lawyer

Informing you is a vital part of your Virginia criminal attorney's services. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I was reminded of this truism when I was recently handling very challenging steepness, backswitches, and no guardrail (at parts) near a sheer drop off the roadway, with...

Fairfax judiciary view of your Virginia DUI or criminal prosecution

Fairfax judiciary members' views of your case are critical for your Virginia DUI or criminal defense lawyer to know. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I know the importance of knowing your judge, jurors and prosecutor. You need a qualified lawyer to help you in that...

Operating a car containing drugs- Fairfax criminal lawyer cautions

Operating a car that contains drugs, concealed weapons (other than with a concealed carry permit or in a closed container), stolen property, and other contraband risks your being arrested, prosecuted, and even convicted for those items, even if you did not know they were present....

Warrantless searches- Fairfax criminal lawyer challenges them

Warrantless searches (WS's) of people are so commonplace that it is important to underline that probable cause alone does not justify a warrantless search of the person's body and clothing without an accompanying arrest. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I read with satisfaction this week's...

Secrets are not what a great Fairfax criminal lawyer mainly needs

Secrets (S's) are not needed for a great Virginia criminal lawyer to obtain victory in court. Or are they? As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I know that there are no S's to how to execute the approaches and moves for obtaining great court results. Then...

Virginia criminalized speech- Fairfax criminal lawyer explains

Virginia criminalized speech laws are several. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I know that the appellate courts afford less -- if any, in some instances -- First Amendment free expression protection to such criminalized speech and expression as as obscenity, child pornography, death threats and...

Fairfax probation condition of no Internet- Virginia lawyer weighs in

Fairfax probation conditions -- as with the rest of Virginia - - may not ban internet access other than what is allowed by one's probation agent. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I understand sentencing judges' temptation to rely no the seeming expertise and regular contact...

Vehicle contraband searches- Fairfax criminal lawyer warns

Vehicle contraband searches are viewed by plenty of police as being almost as worthwhile as bear waiting to eat spawning salmon swimming upstream. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I know that the reason that police so often do not issue traffic infraction citations for people...