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Avoid immigration risks from your Virginia DUI prosecution

Avoid immigration risks from your Virginia DUI prosecution and any other prosecution. As a Fairfax DUI lawyer and Virginia criminal defense  attorney, I have been blessed with having been in prior law partnership for ten years with a top-notch immigration lawyer, and having consulted many...

Confidentiality of Your Virginia DUI & Criminal Case – or Not

Confidentiality of your Virginia DUI and criminal case unfortunately is a concern, beyond the already vital task of defending yourself in court. As a Fairfax DUI lawyer, I have repeatedly seen this very reasonable concern arise with my clients, in terms of having to disclose...

Fairfax LEO Limits Collaboration with ICE says VA Criminal Lawyer

Fairfax LEO and prosecutors limit their collaboration with ICE to different extents, says Virginia criminal lawyer Fairfax LEO (here collectively defined as law enforcement officers of the Fairfax County police and Fairfax County prosecutors) are limited by their chiefs to different extents about how much...

Commonwealth of VA jails report you to ICE says Fairfax criminal lawyer

Commonwealth of Virginia jails will report the names of all non-United States citizens to United States immigration authorities. As a Fairfax criminal defense lawyer, I know that the Virginia legislator has passed legislation that will limit such mandatory ICE reporting to felonies only.

Moral Turpitude Convictions Can Sink Immigration Status

Fairfax criminal lawyer on the ongoing crimmigration minefield of criminal convictions for non-United States citizens. Moral turpitude convictions (also known as crimes involving moral turpitude ("CIMT")) and aggravated felonies present serious immigration risks for non-United States citizens. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I repeatedly deal...

Crimmigration – Virginia criminal lawyer on prosecution risks for immigrants

As a Virginia criminal lawyer, it is essential for me to be sensitive to the specific affects of Virginia criminal and DUI case dispositions and sentences on immigration status. Northern Virginia and the greater national capital region have a high percentage of non-United States citizens...