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Outstanding support in representing me on a DUI charge. Very thorough in reviewing the details and mounting a strong defense based on the facts and circumstances of the case. Extremely knowledgeable and vastly experienced. All DUI charges dropped in reaching a favorable outcome. Strong representation...

Jurisdiction of JDR Court for Virginia Criminal Cases

Juvenile & Domestic Relations District Court (“JDR”) is one of two Virginia misdemeanor courts, the other one being the General District Court (“GDC”). As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I know that jurisdiction and venue sometimes needs challenging in Virginia criminal cases. Today’s blog entry focuses...

Timing Your Hiring of a Criminal Lawyer in Virginia

Timing your obtaining a lawyer for a Virginia felony, misdemeanor or DUI case involves taking the time to find the right lawyer, and obtaining and investing the finances for the attorney. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I know that the prosecution team is already assembled,...