Success at trial when outnumbered and judge-abandoned – Fairfax lawyer
Success in criminal court and elsewhere is not about winning with ideal and perfect circumstances. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I know that such success is about winning despite unanticipated hurdles, existing judges who run afoul of their oaths, police who don't accept that their...
Achieving victory through dancing through life – Fairfax criminal lawyer
Achieving victory in court and beyond can be like a gladiator fight, like the law of the jungle. I know this as a Fairfax criminal lawyer. Plenty of great civil lawyers have told me that they simply could not do criminal defense themselves, with all...
Danger from bringing a machete to a courthouse gunfight – Fairfax lawyer
Danger abounds when insufficiently armed for court, says Fairfax criminal lawyer. Danger lurks around every corner in a criminal courthouse. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I know it is essential to go to court fully prepared for battle. Criminal defense is not an exercise for...
Dwelling on possible pitfalls obscures the path to victory – Fairfax criminal lawyer
Fairfax criminal lawyer on staying on the winning path at all times. Dwelling on potential and actual failure obscures the path to victory. Complacency in past and future victories weakens the chance for more victories. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I know -- just as...
Winning through non-anger, compassion and forgiveness
When I blogged about using threat ability a as a key component of winning, a non-lawyer friend told me he saw a glaring absence of my addressing compassion, which subject is essential for me as a person and Fairfax criminal lawyer. That point is well...
Threat as an ingredient to winning as a criminal defense lawyer
Threat is an ingredient to winning. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer and martial arts practitioner, I know this to be very true. That is why I repeatedly advise clients not to plead guilty if the prosecutor is not prepared to go to trial. That is...
The persuasive and fighting power of diffusing and de-escalating tense situations
Recently, I was minding my own business, waiting for my client in the hallway of the Fairfax County jail's attorneys visiting section. Then I heard commotion where three meeting rooms away from mine, an inmate was ranting and raving at his lawyer, a kindly-spoken public...
Human potential is extraordinary in Virginia court and beyond
My Virginia criminal defense work is about harmonizing and reversing difficult situations and liberating my clients, from their charges. from their risks, and from their potential and actual incarceration. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I repeatedly experience the great things that can happen from recognizing...
Criminal Defense and Fighting for Social Justice Unfold from Similar Basics
Donald Trump is facing so much dissent on the streets and in airports, in the courts, and beyond that one wonders whether he will get any rest from dissidents until he reverses course from his xenophobic approach to non-United States citizens and his ill-fated insular,...
“You always smile when you object,” the prosecutor told me
A prosecutor recently pointed out "You always smile when you object" when we try cases together. I replied that I smile while firing my proverbial bullets, and mentioned the great World War II movie scene where the American soldier calmly smiles in the moment, while...