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Fairfax Criminal Lawyer / Virginia DUI Attorney- Highly-Rated
Pursuing Your Best Defense Since 1991

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Virginia DWI defense lawyer uses science to challenge breath testing

Virginia DUI defense lawyers not only can incorporate preparation and persuasion approaches that apply to most criminal defense work, but also must add addressing, analyzing, and disintegrating scientific evidence. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I know that the latter approach is a variation on the...

Virginia DUI Defense Basics from Fairfax Criminal Lawyer

Virginia DUI defense calls for full preparation and excellent execution. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I know that that best DWI defense starts before the defendant is ever stopped by the police, through knowing and exercising the suspect's essential rights with the police. Recently, I...

Miranda applicability addressed by Fairfax criminal lawyer

Miranda applicablity depends on whether the criminal defendant is in police custody. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I hear many arrestees underline that the police did not read them their rights. However, without police custody, the Miranda rule from the United States Supreme Court does not...

Virginia DUI challenges by appeal addressed by Fairfax criminal lawyer

Virginia DUI challenges are many. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I am all the more interested in appeals from District Court for Virginia DWI convictions under Virginia Code § 18.2-266, and and all other Virginia misdemeanor convictions, now that doing so will botleneck the court system for...