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Talking with police opens cans of worms – Virginia DUI lawyer

Talking with police is not required, but a slew of criminal suspects run their mouths with cops, often to their detriment. As a Virginia DUI lawyer,  I have repeatedly seen the gold from criminal defendants' remaining silent with police and the feces that comes from...

Impaired driving trial persuasion – Virginia DUI lawyer

Impaired driving convictions risk jail and other adverse penalties. As a Virginia DUI lawyer, I know the importance of pursuing a full court press against such prosecutions. I know how important it is to move the judge and jury away from piecemeal evaluation of cases...

Landmines need careful navigation for Virginia DUI defense

Landmines run rampant in Virginia DUI prosecutions, in terms of accusations and the state of the law. At the same time, more opportunities than often meet the eye can be pursued for a DUI lawyer to successfully defend a person charged with DWI. As a...

Pushing back against Virginia DUI prosecutions from the start

Pushing back against DUI prosecutions needs to be the default for any Virginia criminal defendant charged with such an offense. As a Virginia DUI attorney, I say never give up and never give in with this and all other criminal prosecutions.

Liquor Risks Beyond DUI Alone

Liquor (alcohol, beer and wine) use in Virginia calls for knowing the relevant criminal laws applying to alcohol. As a Virginia DUI and criminal lawyer, I know that police remain on alert for suspected alcohol law violators.Virginia criminalized liquor laws from DUI to public intoxication....

Public intoxication jury victory – Fairfax criminal lawyer

Public intoxication is overcharged in Virginia. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I know that an intoxicated in public conviction is not good for one's reputation, and the risks of fighting such prosecutions only involve hiring a lawyer, and paying court fines and costs.

Homicide convictions can arise from alcohol says Virginia DUI lawyer

Homicide is a risk of impaired driving, because in many ways, as Ralph Nader urged, cars can be unsafe at any speed. As a Virginia DUI attorney, I advise everyone to stay away from driving a motor vehicle for at least twenty-four hours after consuming...

Acid reflux – GERD defense in Virginia DUI alcohol cases

Acid reflux -- formally known as gastroesophageal reflux disease/ GERD -- is suffered by many people. Knowing that, it is regrettable that I do not see Virginia police asking DUI suspects whether they have GERD, in order to have the GERD sufferer offered the option...