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Virginia DWI defense lawyer uses science to challenge breath testing

Virginia DUI defense lawyers not only can incorporate preparation and persuasion approaches that apply to most criminal defense work, but also must add addressing, analyzing, and disintegrating scientific evidence. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I know that the latter approach is a variation on the...

Private Prosecutors are Limited by Virginia Law

Private prosecutors are the exception to the usual Virginia practice of having prosecutors be elected officials or their employees, or private practicing lawyers hired by incorporated cities or towns. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer, I am ready to seek the disqualification of a private prosecutor...

Marijuana Odor to No Longer Allow VA Police Searches

Marijuana odor detection is a favorite of law enforcement to justify detaining and arresting people; searching them, their vehicles and their other property; and obtaining search warrants to seek further evidence of criminal activity. As a Fairfax criminal lawyer and civil libertarian, I am overjoyed...